"Pain is temporary, pride is forever"

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Nike Women's Marathon 2012 and Bay to Breakers 2012

For the ladies...and guys if you'd like...lets do the Nike Women's (Half/Full) Marathon 2012.

Go "Like" their FB page so we can keep informed about it! The race happens in Oct but the random registration is in April:

I'm also interested in Bay to Breakers (May 2012) since I heard it's full of crazies <3

Man, SF has a lot of good races...they need to bring the crazies down to SoCal!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Marathon Training

So I was looking at the training from Hal Higdon's and RunnersWorld, and Hal's seem easier to understand then RW's (http://www.runnersworld.com/article/0,7120,s6-238-244--6946-3-3X5X7-4,00.html). After looking at the Intermediate I level training (http://www.halhigdon.com/marathon/inter1.html), I am now quite scared of the training for a full marathon haha....

That is all...

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Long Beach Marathon

Hi Fellow Runners,

I'm all signed up for the Long Beach FULL Marathon. I figured signing up now would help me stay committed, as if SF and Disney wasn't motivation enough.

The full marathon is about $96.85 after all the fees were included and you have about 7 hours in which to complete the race. I put 4:26 - 4:45 as my estimated finish time.

For those chickens ;) interested in the half, it will cost about $76.85. But just think, for $20 more you get a bigger medal, potentially more fishy cakes (cuz you'll have burned so many calories that you'll be starving),  bragging rights, but even more importantly the knowledge that you started this journey having only ever ran 5 miles or less and were able to push your body and mind to 26.2 miles.

The race to a 13.1 mile finish was something I myself thought I never could or never would accomplish. But with a little help from my our FEMBA running group, I did it, we all did. I'm so excited for the next challenge to try and hit the 26.2 mile mark. I hope all of you will join me in this next adventure. I know we all can do it :).

Remember "Pain is Temporary, but Pride is Forever"

Monday, May 9, 2011

OC Marathon Runner...Runs Wrong Way

I just thought I would share this story with you. This just goes to show that the "runner's high" is such a zen-like feeling that you lose realization of what you are doing or where you are going. Here is an example where the runner, who was winning in the women's race, ended up following the guide and being led the wrong way, losing her official finish as the winner...although I believe they gave her the first place prize anyway. I don't think I'm related to her, but I'm sure I probably am somehow. Sucks big time to lose this way.


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

LA Boxing

I just tried out this boxing class at LA boxing and MAN! It's such a great work out and so much fun. I'm already having a hard time lifting my arms up after that class. I would highly recommend it especially if you like punching the crap outta something. You can try out one class for free to test it out. I went to the one in HB but there's one in Costa Mesa as well.


Let me know if any of you are interesting in trying it out. I'm already signed up for the next 2 months at least.

(also ran 3 miles+other exercises during lunch!)