"Pain is temporary, pride is forever"

Monday, May 9, 2011

OC Marathon Runner...Runs Wrong Way

I just thought I would share this story with you. This just goes to show that the "runner's high" is such a zen-like feeling that you lose realization of what you are doing or where you are going. Here is an example where the runner, who was winning in the women's race, ended up following the guide and being led the wrong way, losing her official finish as the winner...although I believe they gave her the first place prize anyway. I don't think I'm related to her, but I'm sure I probably am somehow. Sucks big time to lose this way.



  1. Oh man that sucks! Good thing I'll never be in that position of getting first place haha

  2. Ouch, that would suck. I would have a total melt down once I finally finished.


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