"Pain is temporary, pride is forever"

Sunday, April 10, 2011


Hi Guys,

Welcome to our blog. I thought this would be a fun way for us to not only start somewhat of a journal to track our own personal fitness experiences but also to share some our achievements and knowledge will our fellow athletes.

It's kinda funny that most of us started our little running club just with the intention of running Surf City and never doing a another marathon again. It definitely was a check on my Bucket List. Now we've gotten addicted whether it be for our own sense of personal achievement, the medals, or for fishy cakes ;).  Our journey to Surf City has quickly turn into the journey to SF, LB, and beyond. I so happy we all decided to do this (many props to Vanessa for getting us all started on this). You guys all motivate me everyday to run fast and train harder.

I do hope that more of you will consider the LB Full Marathon. I know that 26.2 miles seems like a daunting and somewhat painful task. But so did 13.1 miles initially. I am confident that we can build up our milage with a little hard work, motivation, and each other. Remember the journey to 26.2 miles begin with a single step.

Back to the blog. Feel free to post anything related to related to your running and general fitness activities and experiences. Also, any nutritional or general fitness advice is much appreciated. I sure we can all learn a lot from each other. Finally, if there is anything you guys would like added to our blog let me or one of the admins know (I will be sending out a list later).

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Kristina for setting this up! It looks awesome! Good run today too...next week 8 miles!


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